Saturday 4 August 2012

Check your BMI (Body Mass Indication )

The body mass indicator is a reliable indicator of total body fat which is related to the risk of the disease, people who are over weight or obese have a grateful chance of developing high blood pressure, diabetes , heart disease etc.

How to calculate BMI?

BMI = Body Weight in Kg ÷ Body Height in

Lets assure a person weights 85 kg and height is 1.8 M
So, BMI = 85 ÷ ( 1.8 X 1.8 ) = 26.2

                                  BMI Value                                                            Meanings 
                                   1)  Less than 18.5                                            Under Weight
                                   2)  18.5 to 25.00                                              Normal Weight
                                   3)  25.1 to 29.9                                                Over Weight
                                   4)  More than 30.0                                           OBESE 



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